Thursday, July 2, 2009

Married but a Single Mom...

This is crazy...I am married but a single Mom?!?! I don't get it.

I have always looked forward to the day that I would have my own family. Going to the park with my husband and my kids. Doing things together as a family. But, the reality is that women carry the bulk of the responsibility when we become mothers. Nothing against our husband/ Baby Daddies but... its true.

Okay, I know my story is different..."I am not in Kansas anymore". But when my husband and I lived under the same roof I did mostly everything when it came to our son. Packed his food, pumped his milk (okay, so that is a cheap shot. I know a man can't produce milk but I am just, bathed him, dressed him, rocked him to sleep, and the list goes on...

And when my husband did help he wasn't doing things the way I wanted them to be done and it was just easier doing things myself. Have you ever heard that saying, "Let go and Let God"? (At least I think that is the saying...) Anyway I say let go and let your husband. As hard as it is and was I had to let go and let my husband take over. I cannot do everything... I am not Superwoman!

Now that I am "Not in Kansas anymore" I have no choice but to be superwoman.

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