Sunday, July 12, 2009

Almost there...

I remember one day, while I was in college, I finally convinced myself to go to class. I only had one class that day and told myself I could push through it. See the day before I had no classes and I slept the whole day only left the dorm room once for food. It was nice Spring day. I remember hearing all of the people outside laughing and playing ball. They were happy...why were they so happy? Better question, why was I so darn sad?

Well, I convinced myself to get out and go to my class. I walked out of my door and I remember looking at this process in "steps".... 1st step- locking the door to my dorm room, 2nd step- getting on the elevator, 3rd step was walking to the building were my class was held, 4th step- walking to the classroom, 5th step- taking a seat in class.

I made it through all the steps except the 5th one... I could not sit down in class!! I made it all the way there and I could not do it!! I turned around and went back to my dorm room, crawled in bed and closed my eyes... If I could just sleep maybe when I woke up I would feel better.

This is just one example of something that happened very often... I was almost there.

I am a TURTLE - - - My shell= my dorm room/bed/sleep

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