Sunday, June 14, 2009

I am not in Kansas anymore...

So, why I am not in Kansas anymore.

Have you listened to the news lately? Well, the auto industry is not doing very well and the corporation my husband and I worked for offered a company wide buy out package.

We went back and forth... what are the risks if we both stayed? What were the risks if we both left? What were the risks if one of us leaves and the other stays?
After several discussions we felt that one of us needed to leave because the risks were to high in the other scenarios. If the company went under were could potentially loose everything.

I couldn't and sometime still cannot believe I made one of the hardest decisions of my life to leave my career of 8 yrs.

I spent 5 months looking for a job. It was really weird. I had several interviews, no rejections but no jobs. Finally at the end of the 5th month I got the call. I got a job!! A wonderful offer, with an ideal company. The only negative was that I had to move 4hrs away from home. 4 hours aways from my house, my husband, my parents, my life....

I talked to my husband and told him that the only way I could take this job is if I could take our son with me. My son needed to live with me. Thank God he agreed!!

The next step is to get our family back under the same roof again.

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