Sunday, June 14, 2009

Is this the End?

Do you remember that New Edition song..."Is this the End?" My son is 13 months old and it is time. It is time to fully "cut the cord". But, all I keep hearing in my head is that song. "Is this the End?".

I will get around to telling you all the gruesome details but I was soo worried about having post-partum depression being I had the label in all... you know?!? Remember, I was labeled as having major depressive disorder which made me a higher risk for post-partum depression but thank God I never had a problem. I had worse pre-partum depression- again, a story for another day.

But stopping nursing is the last step. It fully cuts the cord right? I have read stories about women having a depressive episode after ending nursing? UGH..

I have been telling myself that I am going to be fine...which I am. I am just nervous about what "could" happen. I guess what I should be singing is "A Whole New World". A world that I have not had in hmm...let's see 9 months (pregnancy) + 13 months (my son's life) so.. 22 MONTHS!! In this whole new world I can drink what I want. Take any medication I need to take. I can be away from my son for long periods of time without having to lug a breast pump around, worry about where I am going to store my milk so it doesn't spoil, etc, etc. But all I keep hearing in my head is "Is this the End?". Gotta love that New Edition.

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