Thursday, August 27, 2009

Moody Moods Mood

Do you ever wonder why you or others are moody? What makes a person moody? How can you control your moods? Why are there some people that are always happy?

I remember when I first got my label... the doctor prescribed me a medicine that started with a Z. You would have thought that I found the HOLY GRAIL. I guarded that medicine... in a sense I worshiped that medicine.

You've got to understand this medicine was my "key" to happiness, my "key" to normalcy... it was supposed to make me feel happy. I took the first pill and waited for the effects... Nothing! The second day... nothing! The third, forth and fifth nothing! nothing! NOTHING!

This went on for awhile, I felt a bit better but I had VIVID dreams. Dreams that when I woke up I could not determine if they were real or not. I would wake up panicked, morning after morning...confused that whether or not my dream about my mom dying was true or not. I mean truly confused!! I would call my mother crying, "I had to make sure that you were alive!!" She would assure me that she was fine. But my dreams... they were VIVID so REAL!!

This Z medicine was making me go crazy....I could no longer decipher between dreams and reality.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Have you ever had a voice in your head tell you what to do? Well, I have a little voice in my head that talks to me all the time. Some times I listen and some times I don't. Even though all the times that I do listen I am always happy I did... I still don't always listen to the little voice.

Well, I am not in Kansas anymore I am in a strange "country" with my 15 month old son with no family anywho...when I got off of work I realized that I needed to go to the store and get my son some milk. He drinks Soy Milk so I thought I'd try going to Sam's Club and stock up. So as I pulled into the parking lot at my son's school the little voice said, "Salethia, get your son and go home- have dinner first then go to Sam's Club. You know that he is always hungry when he gets home." Well, you think that I listened to that little voice? No way, I thought I'd rather just run up to Sam's club really quick and when I get home I can stay home. So off to Sam's club we went!

Everything was ok when we were in the front of Sam's Club but when we got to the back of the store, where the food was... all H-E- double hockey sticks broke out! My son saw food... And what did I hear "Eat--eat--eat-- over and over again. Then he started to sign it, as if he was thinking um Mommy do you not understand English? Perhaps sign language will help you understand. When I turned to look at some fruit he had grabbed a container of Kiwis and was trying to open it!!! My poor son was starving!! Being in the food section of the store was absolute torture!! Then I heard the little voice saying, nah, nah nah nah nah... I told you so but nooooo you didn't listen!

Monday, August 10, 2009

If I only had a moment to myself....

Stay tuned I have not forgotten you my dear followers...... I told you guys I needed a clone. I have not gotten that wish yet =(